Artificial ground, also known as made land is an area which has been previously excavated…

Building Survey, Ryall, nr Bridport
When visiting an 18th Century detached house in Ryall, evidence was found of an irregular, fine line crack to mortar joints of stonework between the first floor and ground floor window on the south west corner (see photographs). The nature of the cracking suggested a weakness to the hidden timber lintel at the head of the ground floor window opening. There was damp staining internally to the head of the opening therefore it was advised that this area warranted further investigation and provision should be allowed for replacement of timber external lintels, where necessary, to the older main building. The black painted timber cladding to the head of the ground floor window opening may well have been concealing the true condition of the underlying timber lintel supporting this walling in this location.
This can be a typical shortcoming with older, period-style properties of this nature. However, in this case it was advised to allow for repair to parts of the external main walling and to check the condition of the hidden lintel which may require replacement.