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01308 426471 Please Leave us a Review on Google                                                                Regulated by RICS

RICS Chartered Surveyors covering residential, commercial and rural property matters across the Wessex Region

Wessex Surveyors is a truly independent firm of Chartered Surveyors, with vast experience and local knowledge, which prides itself on providing a quality service in accordance with the ISVA (Independent Surveyors and Valuers Association) Charter.

Read the ISVA Charter

Wessex Surveyors produces Home Surveys Level 2, Building Surveys Level 3, Defect Reports, Snagging Lists, Valuations, property dispute resolutions, rural land management, expert witness reports and compulsory purchase and compensation negotiations.

The majority of our clients are private individuals but we also carry out work for Aster, Hastoe, Guinness Partnership, the Forestry Commission, the National Trust, Trinity House, Dorset Police, the RSPB and the Salvation Army

Ian Vicary head

Ian Vicary – fully RICS qualified and with over 25 years of experience Ian is regarded as an expert in his field.

Why choose Wessex Surveyors?

We offer:

  • Independent, impartial property advice
  • Energetic, caring and quality service
  • Reliable expertise, with over 25 years experience in property matters
  • A balanced, comprehensive opinion
  • Integrity, completely uninfluenced by any other organisation or person
  • We are able to guide clients towards reputable contractors in the area but DO NOT charge referral fees


A high proportion of our clients are returning customers

I'd like to thank you for your speed in completing and then turning round the survey report you did for us, it has meant that we have not held up the process at all, but has raised some issues that we would not ever have known about. I was particularly impressed with the detail…read more

I would like to thank you for the professional and excellent service that you offered to us recently. The report requested was carried out by Mr Vickery very quickly and a very comprehensive report received by email to myself and my Solicitor the following day. I would definitely use your…read more

Wow! Ian is amazing. Not only did he provide me with a detailed, honest report he is an expert with Victorian properties. I also appreciated all the photos Ian (including his cutie dog) took during the survey as it reminded me what the property looked like and showed me any…read more

Recent Case Studies
Bridport Surveyors - Wessex Surveyors

Valuation Report, West Bay

June 2017 -  Like many properties in West Bay, the flat Wessex Surveyors were asked to value was situated in a Flood Risk area; when considering this type of purchase…

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ISVA HomeSurvey, Powerstock, Dorset

May 2017 -The ISVA HomeSurvey Report is suitable for most conventionally built residential properties, constructed since around 1900. The report is based on a visual inspection of as much of the…

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